The perfect Victoria Sponge - Easy Bake #1

So here it is, my first Easy Bake recipe!

You will need:
200g Margarine
200g Self raising flour
200g Caster sugar
3 Eggs
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract/essence

First, set your oven to 180 degrees
Then, mix the margarine (in smaller pieces) and sugar - until creamy.
Add the flour and baking powder - the mixture will stiffen.
Add the eggs and vanilla - until smooth

Then spoon your mixture evenly into two lined baking trays. 

Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown and if you stick a metal skewer into the cake no mixture sticks to the skewer.

Take the cakes out of the trays by going around the edge with a round bladed knife first then tipping them carefully out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

Once cool, it's time for your filling, I covered one cake's surface with jam and another with butter cream, make sure you wait until the cake is fully cool or the butter cream will melt. 

Place your cakes together and sprinkle icing sugar on top and enjoy!


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